공지글갯수 2-
Beginning In 2017 Beginning In 2017 Beginning in 2017, I set up vacation and life plan. I should be alive as a Human without being constrained by the structure and framework of this society. I must consider my own Human Declaration. It should be clear vision and dream in some areas like academy and relationship. I don't want to be dragged by other. I need enough time to train. On the other hand, my intuition was .. 공감수 0 댓글수 0 2017. 1. 7.
- 생각하는 일상 생각하고 고민하는 치열한 일상이 소중하다는 것을 일깨워 줄 블로그 시작 공감수 0 댓글수 0 2016. 8. 12.