
Beginning In 2017

Minwook Chang 2017. 1. 7. 01:30
Beginning In 2017

Beginning in 2017, I set up vacation and life plan.

I should be alive as a Human without being constrained by the structure and framework of this society.
I must consider my own Human Declaration.

It should be clear vision and dream in some areas like academy and relationship.
I don't want to be dragged by other. I need enough time to train.

On the other hand, my intuition was pretty accurate.
I need to be more brave in my perspective.
(I realized I would fail if I could not make it a habit!)

(e.g. 2017 planner)


  • Intelligence
    • Read a book in a month
  • Body
    • Health Club
  • Mentality
    • Drawing Note
    • Pray for 15 minutes a day
    • Read the Bible in a year


  • Friends
    • Attend a regular meeting
  • Family
    • Some Housework


  • Study of HCI
    • Research Assistance of HCI Lab
    • Write a study note on SNS
    • Considering the boundary between digital and reality
  • Software Developer
    • One course in a month(jwasham/google-interview-university)
    • or MIT open course
    • Manage Github

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